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Theories in the philosophy of history 984495496
Theories in the philosophy of history 2620290309

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 Theories in the philosophy of history

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد الرسائل : 1273
نقاط التميز : 2147483647
البلد : مغربي

Theories in the philosophy of history Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Theories in the philosophy of history   Theories in the philosophy of history Emptyالأربعاء 21 يناير - 13:24:39

Theories in the philosophy of history

Theories of periodic rotation

Periodic succession at the Ibn Khaldoun.

The Ibn Khaldoun history of art which circulate in the United arts, and art here in the sense of technical and professional and moral imagination and creativity, Ibn Khaldun: "After the art history of art, which rotate among nations and generations, and it pulls the Alrcaib and traveled, transcending to know Alsoqp Alokiel and, equally Aljhal scientists and understanding "and also says:" I know that the art of art history Aziz doctrine, LE Sharif benefits end, it is the conditions of the past stop us from the nations of the morals and prophets in their curricula, and the Kings in their countries and their policy, so is the benefit of following the example of those in Eromoh Conditions and lower debt.

And history at the Ibn Khaldoun in the face of no more than news of days and the precedents of the early centuries (..) and in historical time and consideration and explanation of organisms and their careful and aware of the facts and causes Bkeviat deep, so it is inherent to the ancient wisdom.

We have given the Ibn Khaldun incidents States justified the reasons (..), which aspires to become a model originally from beyond historians, says: We have followed in the upbringing and reformatted attitude strange, invented aspects of the bizarre doctrine, and how creative, and explained the method and conditions of construction and urbanization , And presented at the meeting humanitarian own symptoms, and Imitek play Alkuain and its causes, and assumes you know how people entered the doors of the States, even tend the tradition of your hand and stands on the situations of days before you and after you and future generations.

Fabn Khaldoun Hdth observation and his reflections on the deep human social phenomena that do not deviate from the rest of the phenomena of the universe, and that it is governed by (..) natural laws similar to laws governing the phenomena of the universe beyond the phenomena of nature and astronomy, chemistry, and noted that many historians do not exceed the Historical writing I will keep on direct transport, as if on the date the story advances, with history the essence of deep philosophy to the laws of the meeting, opposed this approach from previous historians who collected stories without special systematic difference between real and the legendary news.

Ibn Khaldun historical methodology:

The book by Ibn Khaldun of the first books that were said to the general rules of understanding of history, historical research is opposed to cash the author of a previous historians who collected stories without a special curriculum, a distinction between legendary and real news, events were told at face value without question or Scrutiny, the overwhelming majority of Arabs from the former absorbed without criticism of history transmitted by way of law (1) ..

Ibn Khaldun: "The world body of Islam had absorbed news days and collected (..) and performed as we had heard, and noted the reasons for the facts did not Iraaoha (..) investigation shortly" (2)

Most of it was trapped in mobilizing their stories and document the authority, without news on the basis of criticism Naturally, the construction Tabari says: "have been convicted, according to Adi us."

While the preferred veterans of the secretariat of transport and heavy material including books who made the Ibn Khaldun has added to that in other respects as well, the first in the distinction between history and philosophy, and the second in questioning Desperately ills and the causes of accidents and facts, and try to reach a logical answers from Btabaia knowledge of the construction, Ibn Khaldun: "We have established in history books, lifted by the conditions arising from generations veil, and dismissed the news account and section by section, made by the initial construction States and justified the reasons, and followed in rank and reformatted attitude strange, invented aspects of the Strange doctrine, and how creative the way, explained the conditions of construction and urbanization, and presented at the meeting humanitarian own symptoms, and Imitek play Alkuain and its causes, and assumes you know how people entered the doors of the States, even tend the tradition of your hand and stands on the situations of days before you After you and future generations and ".

Ibn Khaldun wrote the introduction basis for the development of standards, however, adopted in dealing with historical facts; possible to discover the truth can be accepted and recognized no ill afford refuses, and is calculated to lie and the situation.

He also held important investigations of the legacy of his predecessors (..) Kappen, Hisham and the son of Isaac and Allowakadi and Albuladhiri and the son of Abdel-Hakam and Massoudi and Tabari and Ibn Al Atheer, some deemed as sheer fabrication is not possible kinds of things happen because of construction laws, about the health of many of them that the subject Doubt, these investigations have been built on its decision in connection with the introduction of humanitarian and platforms for scientific research and historical investigation, Valfaisal that characterizes the real historical facts of cases of false knowledge is built identical conditions (ie the domestic laws of human Imran, familiar kinds of conditions) that causes it In addition to the errors of Shiism ignorance of the doctrines of condition Btabaia construction, so he threw the Ibn Khaldoun in his introduction to the study of social phenomena to the uncovering of the laws that govern these phenomena in the inception, development, and introduce their conditions, Vastenbt law in conformity with social norms.

Code compatible with the conditions of the construction at the Ibn Khaldun:

Ibn Khaldun developed in conformity with the law of social norms, thus putting Urbanism, which is independent by itself, and the most important cause of the Ibn Khaldoun called for the establishment of this new science to rid his historical books of false news, and to reform and assess what happened from the illusions and mistakes, it was the son of Khaldoun fully aware that it was again (..) in addressing issues of urbanization in the first book known as submitted, he gave the incidents justified the reasons, as to the nature of the accidents are certain laws and jurisprudence, so Human Development his humanitarian or meeting its own self-Awardah And is intended Ibn Khaldoun symptoms We own what we mean by the word laws.

The application of Ibn Khaldun Code matching him to the disclosure of social legislation, in order to make it in the entrance Borhani not doubt it, checking the correct standard by historians with sincerity and take it right ..

If the people of the Pleistocene are focusing their efforts on self-criticism has discovered the importance of the Ibn Khaldoun internal criticism, if the establishment of inter law, history is purely News needs to be standard worthy of a special methodology, and because of this verdict was rejected categorically all the stories of others agree to the conditions of development.

Has given examples of its application for the Law of the construction SPF (..) in the first introduction of his book, which gave the history and doctrine, which has included examples of the impossible happen and the news contained in the books of the former, he felt that what the Massoudi and other armies Moussa Peace be upon him, had reached six hundred thousand combatants does not prove to the internal criticism for reasons of geography and strategy.

The entry Evrivc Morocco Altbabap invasions and the myth of the kings of Yemen to Morocco's news flimsy, evidence Ifandha mental and geographical, political, Ibn Khaldun: "It is news to historians used the pass all the news Alttabap kings of Yemen and the Arabian Peninsula they invade their villages in Yemen to the African and Berber Maghreb countries (..) These news are far from health, long-standing mistake in the illusion and stories like a set speech, and that the kings of the island Altbabap but the Arabs and their wheelchairs and Sanaa, Yemen, the Arabian peninsula surrounded by sea from the three destinations, India from the South Sea, the Sea Fares from Basra downward from the Orient, and the Sea of Suez (Gulf of Suez intended) down to the Suez of Egypt Morocco on the one hand, as you see in Iran geography.

News is impossible at the Ibn Khaldoun Massoudi also moved the statue of starlings, which meets on the Starlings known carrier of the year Olive, and from taking Zihm (..) and so many times, and was examined by Naturally, the construction is the best way, and the closest scrutiny in the news , And discrimination of false sincerity ..

Then add the Ibn Khaldoun many examples, including the story of the city of General toss, the plight of Baramkeh Jamiliah and others, says: "The illusion is the oldest in the toss of the Shan General, alleged that the city is not one of them on the impact" as well as the plight of Baramkeh Jamiliah emerged from a romance Btllagha Jaafar Bin Yahya mainland Makki, Alabasp good sister, and the reasons for Iellaha deeper and more to do with the nature and requirements of the King ", including what was tyranny over the state, and control over their funds."

Periodic succession at the Ibn Khaldun:

Ibn Khaldun is the theory of self-styled periodic succession of States in the history of human thought in terms of social and philosophical after year, have reached the conviction that the idea of civilization in the sequence and compared the change in the circular between man and society, the community has its Kaamr Omar is the one that generates growth and completed, then Ehrm Vemut, and on that basis in the following phases Browse prosperity decline.

The State was the core around which revolve around the Ibn Khaldun research and theories, as compared Kasha fully on the age of the individual and stages of development, making the state as people ages, a theory which is the essence of thinking in the membership of the State, Ibn Khaldoun in the introduction: "The state has As for the age of natural persons "and believes that they are not merely the age of three generations, the generation is a person of middle age, it is forty, which is the end to the growth and evolution by, God said," even if the peak was reached forty years. "

The fundamental issue which has preoccupied the Ibn Khaldoun (..) is how arise States? What are the factors of prosperity? The reasons Hermha?.

The movement of history Ibn Khaldun is the continuing movement of the Bedouin to civilization in the form of the session (..) and this transition occurs through the five stages (..) in the first phase be established on the ruins of the State of the State unprecedented, unique to the second phase of the Governing Sultan After disposal of those who have participated with him in the founding of the country (eat their revolution) and the third phase of rest and tranquility prevail, the flourish of State in the fourth stage into comfort and reassurance to the conviction and quietly and peacefully, and come the fifth sequel of the previous result, where the state would lose its prestige Vtaathll Eliminated.

Combining the five stages as follows:

Phase I: the process of the nail and the seizure of power.

Phase II: the process of tyranny and oppression.

Third stage: the process of vacuum and gazing to collect and enjoy the fruits of King Bmlmat minimum, which tend to perpetuate the nature of human impact and the collection of money and excessive desires.

Phase IV: Alguenua developed, peaceful and tranquility and is the state that has persuaded Sabakoh and their work, traces the sole Balnal follow in their footsteps.

Fifth stage: the process of waste and extravagance, is the state (..) was devastated as his predecessor, builds, and they would Hadma building, and in this stage have a natural hierarchy in the country, and seized the chronic disease is not rid of it.

If the state is through Botoar five, it is only three generations, led a generation and the generation and the generation of luxury civilization, which falls in his state.

The first generation, a generation of nomads: the population is living rough and rude manner and bravery and predation and cohesion and to participate in the glory, there is still this image of them reserved nerve, nomads are Almguetsron necessary to live in conditions of the disabled than above, but the Bedouin Ittoron quickly as turning on their Bedouin of the civilization and development by the King with the second generation, and it is the ploys of civilization in terms of luxury and used crafts, building palaces and enjoy the minimum conditions, and the preference of comfort to trouble, and Ibn Khaldun: The nature of King gazing and tranquility and luxury that is very civilization, which Over the State in the beginning, which boasts of civilized societies, but it is also the basic cause of the beginning of disintegration, a muezzin Boukrab development.

Bedouin corrupt nature of civilization, as owners of the state is excessive wait and Isahdon to work and to earn gazing and tranquility, and they pay to rest and drink and more often women and alcohol Wiczol prestige of the soul, and frequent unrest and strife, show the opposition, and enhanced through the ownership of the enemy Vifelt Matters, beginning in the fall reflected another group of nomads seek to lead and so the king and replace.

Valterv manifestation of civilization, which Hadamha also, and most construction muezzin demise, but also very civilization construction and the end of the age, and she ushered Pfsadh.

Reflected the corrupting effects of civilization Imran in the life of luxury and extravagance, as soon forget the era of third-generation population of foul play, Bedouin (..) lost the sweetness of glory and so nervous, including those of the Queen oppression, and those of luxury by Vtvsd morals and Taballm; Venqlb affirmation to the dissonance, and collaboration To the delinquency, and the common struggle for the common good to dispute and conflict for personal gain and special interests, appears to injustice by luxury, which are two features of the construction waste and the fall of the State, and says it suggests "If we are to perish with us Mtrfaita village Vvsagoa the right They say Vadmournaha destructive. "

In summary, that civilization developed at the Ibn Khaldoun normal (..) Valtmdn very Bedouin (..) but when Ittoron in Bedouin lifestyles (..) in the Trades and lead to the courtyard, they finish; civilization that carries with it the seeds of corruption, the state and Vtherm Down , And the pyramid at the Ibn Khaldoun a matter of course in the State, as saying: "a chronic disease that can not be remedies do not rise to Ndha, that normal, natural things do not change" ..

So give the State of the collapsed area of the new state, in the same phases and stages.
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عضو خاص

عدد الرسائل : 215
نقاط التميز : 489
البلد : مغربي

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